Basic NMEA 2000® Network Course
The NMEA 2000® Network course is primarily targeted for the beginner or those who have been installing NMEA 2000® but would like more information, more clarity and an opportunity to share ideas with others who have installed NMEA 2000® networks. The course provides information beyond the NMEA 0400 Installation Standard or the MEI and Advanced MEI Training.
Non-member Price $650 CAD
WCBA or NMEA Member Price $450 CAD
Full details and registration at Basic NMEA 2000 Network Course
WCBA members: Call NMEA at 410-975-9425 to register at WCBA price of $450 CDN
If you would like to join WCBA please click here: Join us
Topics include: cables, connectors, specifications, physical planning and documentation, power sources and distribution, voltage drop calculations, data messages (parameter group numbers), connecting to other data sources, network setup and troubleshooting.
You will take from this class the near-term and long-term benefits of NMEA 2000® certified equipment, accepted installation practices for NMEA 2000® backbone cable and products, including selection of cable, power application point, and alternatives that make it work best. You will also have sufficient working knowledge of NMEA 2000® so you can successfully troubleshoot problems when they arise and correctly identify/repair/replace the faulty device(s) or network cabling problems.
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